Is there an mne tool which can convert an MRI to a .fif file .
I'm starting with .mgz and so can easily get to .nii and many other formats.
It's the conversion to .fif that's the problem.
If you have the Neuromag software there's the GUI-based dicom_access tool.
There was also a neuromag command line utility create_mri_sets (possibly
only for HPUX?) to do this.
Since (presumably?) the usual Freesurfer --> MNE pipeline isn't appropriate
in this case for some reason, there's another command line alternative.
First you'd use Freesurfer's unpacksdcmdir to extract the info about the
dicom files from a directory (this produces a text file with information
like run #, # of slices, etc), and then run it again using those extracted
parameters to read the dicom files from the directory and convert them into
an .mgh file (see
for a complicated example). Then you can use the MNE-C command
mne_make_cor_set to convert the .mgh file into a fif file (e.g.,
mne_make_cor_set --mgh mgh_input_file.mgh --out shiny_new_fif_file.fif).
All are a bit old school but should still work. Probably.