I am trying to perform autorejection on resting state EEG data (continuous) . I created epochs on my data and tried to identify the rejection threshold. I wanted to know how the rejection threshold is automatically created or what parameters it includes when I use – get_rejection_threshold(epochs). With my code I got eeg threshold of {‘eeg’: 0.0005535939698374599}. I thought that was too high ?
Also, is autorejection preferably performed after removing slow drifts , or before ICA or after ICA ?
If you can share the file, I can take a quick look. 500 uV does appear too high. However, I normally suggest looking at the data to ensure what autoreject makes sense or not.
It’s better to apply autoreject after removing slow drifts as otherwise you might drop too many epochs. As for ICA, I would suggest after as you don’t want to drop epochs due to eyeblinks. However, you can estimate the thresholds before and supply to ICA if you want to help improve the ICA decomposition. See detailed FAQ here: http://autoreject.github.io/faq.html#should-i-apply-ica-first-or-autoreject-first
The EEGLAB links you shared seem to be for rejecting ICA components automatically. That is a different usecase than what autoreject targets, that is to remove sensor artifacts.
Thank you so much. I can send a different one. This is a resting state eeg file. By running this code, it should download the file and run the autoreject. For this one I got a threshold of {‘eeg’: 0.00012221068272366844}. I just wanted more clarification on what you mean by “looking at the data to ensure what autoreject makes sense or not.” .
import os
import os.path as op
import openneuro
import mne
import numpy as np
from autoreject import AutoReject
from autoreject import get_rejection_threshold
dataset = 'ds002778'
subject = 'pd23'
openneuro.download(dataset=dataset, target_dir='.',
raw = mne.io.read_raw_bdf('./sub-pd23/ses-off/eeg/sub-pd23_ses-off_task-rest_eeg.bdf', preload=True)
raw.drop_channels(['EXG1', 'EXG2', 'EXG3', 'EXG4','EXG5', 'EXG6', 'EXG7', 'EXG8',
'Status']) #drop extra channels
raw.filter(0.5, None, fir_design='firwin',phase='zero-double') #remove drifts
epochs=mne.make_fixed_length_epochs(raw, duration=1.0, preload=False, proj=True)
reject = get_rejection_threshold(epochs)
print('The rejection dictionary is %s' % reject)
With regards to EEGLAB, the documentation here shows to use joinprob and rejkurt for abnormally distributed data as method for rejecting artifacts in continuous or epoched data. Legacy rejection - EEGLAB Wiki
I usually subtract blink and saccade ICA components before running autoreject so that epochs contaminated by those artifacts can be saved rather than being rejected.