Are annotations created from events robust to resampling?

Looking for advice on order of operations for resampling, annotating and epoching EEG data. I have an array of event times (in samples) that I’ve used to create events, and then annotated from those events. If I resample the data prior to annotating, the original samples will not be correct, nor will the epochs (because both are created from the events array). Are the annotations and epochs both robust to resampling, even if they were originally created from samples? Is the best solution to resample and then annotate using seconds (rather than annotate_from_events)?

  • MNE version: 0.24.1
  • operating system: macOS 13.1
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Hello @lucastklein and welcome to the forum!

If you plan to epoch your data, we strongly advise not to resample before epoching. Please see the warning box here:

Best wishes