We have prepared an MNE Raw dataset from scratch, and it contains EEG
and EOG data. We also have manual (written and survey) feedback from
participants as they recorded the EEG/EOG, and I'm not quite sure if we
should store this manual feedback as Events, Annotations, a Raw object
event channel, or something else. We would of course like to be able to
compare the EEG/EOG against the manual feedback.
Any suggestions are greatly appreciated. I've included some manual
feedback data samples below, in case that helps.
We have prepared an MNE Raw dataset from scratch, and it contains EEG and
EOG data. We also have manual (written and survey) feedback from
participants as they recorded the EEG/EOG, and I'm not quite sure if we
should store this manual feedback as Events, Annotations,
in MNE, events have no duration. it's an integer to condition mapping
that maps to a trigger channel.
Annotations were introduced later and each entry consists of 3 infos:
onset, duration and description.
You have 2 big differences:
- onset is in seconds in absolution time (no need to change if your
resample the data)
- duration is in second
- description can be any string.
to define epochs you need onsets so no duration is used so it works with events.
Thank you Alexandre, so you would recommend using annotations for this?
I'm not quite sure what you meant by "to define epochs you need onsets
so no duration is used so it works with events."
Thank you Alexandre, so you would recommend using annotations for this?
I'm not quite sure what you meant by "to define epochs you need onsets
so no duration is used so it works with events."
epochs have fixed length in mne and are defined from an event onset.
You will not be presently able to use the Annotations duration to define
variable length epochs.