These are positions in the project that I work in and I know the involved people very well. Feel free to reach out if you want more info.
The Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences in Leipzig is an internationally recognized research institute of the Max Planck Society and is dedicated to the study of human cognitive abilities and brain processes. The Department of Neurology offers PhD positions for
Two Doctoral Candidates
(TVöD E13, 65%, 3 years)
in cognitive neuroscience and neurophysiology.
The general topic of the position is the physiology of perception, cognition and emotion. The positions involve the acquisition and particularly the analysis of behavioural (e.g., movement parameters, task performance), subjective (e.g., questionnaires, ratings), and neuroimaging / electrophysiological (e.g., EEG, ECG) data. The positions are part of a collaboration between neuroscience and computer graphics, in which we investigate the neurocognition of perceiving (virtual) humans by acquiring multimodal (mind-brain-body) data using immersive technologies (e.g., immersive VR). The precise research topic will be adapted to the interests and specific qualifications of the candidate.
Prerequisites are outstanding records in a relevant area of neurocognitive research. Educational background could be from cognitive (neuro-)science, psychology, medicine, neuroscience, computer science, engineering, data science, physics, mathematics. Excellent programming and statistical skills (Python, Matlab, R) are required. One position requires excellent prior experience with EEG/MEG signal processing relating to neural oscillations and evoked responses. We are looking for scientifically ambitious people willing to work in a highly cooperative team.
You will have an opportunity to join the Institute’s International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS CoNI) and to participate in graduate training programs. You will receive continuous supervision.
The candidates will be part of an enthusiastic team embedded in a world-leading research environment with outstanding facilities and research infrastructure (four 3T MR scanners, one of them in a clinical setting, a Siemens Connectom MR scanner, a 7T MR scanner, MEG, EEG, fNIRS, TMS, TDCS, focused ultrasound, VR labs, eye tracking and psychophysics labs). All facilities are supported by experienced IT and physics staff. In addition to strong co-operations within the Department of Neurology and with the Clinic of Cognitive Neurology at the University Hospital Leipzig, there are also strong interactions among all departments and research groups at the MPI-CBS.
We look forward to receiving your complete online application (reference number “XXX”) at: https://www.cbs.mpg.de/vacancies/open-positions. The application should include a cover letter and personal statement, CV, list of publications (if available), and two letters of recommendations. Closing date for applications is May 1, 2022. Starting date is June 1, 2022, or later, for the duration of three years. Salary is based on regulations of the Max Planck Society (typically 65% TVöD level 13). Max Planck society is committed to increasing the number of individuals with disabilities in its workforce and therefore encourages applications from such individuals. Furthermore, Max Planck Society strives for gender equity and welcomes applications from all backgrounds.
Further information with regard to the research can be found on the website of the Department of Neurology (particularly the groups “Neural interactions and Dynamics” and “Mind-Body-Emotion”). For questions, please contact Dr. Vadim Nikulin or Dr. Michael Gaebler.