When can Mne make a visual software, such as EEGLAB, which is more powerful than his function

When can Mne make a visual software, such as EEGLAB, which is more powerful than his function.
I look forward to such software.Reading the official documentation of MNE in China is obviously too hard

Hello, MNE-Python is, in essence, really just a library for neurophysiological data processing, analysis, and visualization. Being a Python library requires that users describe their analysis steps using actual Python code, i.e., by creating processing scripts.

We’re constantly working on making the documentation better – especially @drammock has spent a significant amount of time on this – but ultimately, there is no way around it: to work with MNE-Python efficiently, you’ll need to learn some basic Python and read the documentation for each function you’re using.

Documentation is currently only available in English, and MNE-Python itself doesn’t support any localization. This is mostly due to a lack of resources: I’m not sure if any of the MNE core developers actually have sufficient knowledge of e.g. Chinese.

If this is not appealing to you, then you are not the target audience for MNE-Python. If you’re looking for neurophysiological data analysis software with a powerful graphical user interface, you may wish to check out Brainstorm, BrainVision Analyzer, or EEGLAB, which you already mentioned.

@cbrnr has also invested a lot of work in creating a GUI for MNE-Python, called MNELAB. Its functionality is still relatively basic, but some of the most critical processing and analysis steps can already be carried out with just a few clicks.

Best wishes,

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I am familiar with MNE and I like it very much. I just want to emphasize whether MNE can be more powerful. Thank you for your efforts :smile:

you can try https://pypi.org/project/mnelab/


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