I recently started using MNE-python but I am a bit confused with python
version issues.
I understood that most development is done in python 3 and that's the
way of the future, so I got the latest versions and went through great
pain to get python 3, ipython, qt etc, working on our lab's stone age
centos distribution. However, I was greatly disappointed to learn that
now I can not make any nice visualizations, and most of the examples in
the cookbook are not working either because they depend on pysurfer
which depends on mayavi which depends on vtk which is not being ported
for python 3... (or something like that)
So, which python should i use with MNE ? Should I just downgrade and
try to get python 2.7 things working? Or if I use python 3, how should I
deal with visualizations?
best regard,