Yesterday I mailed that I had troubles using raw.plot (Subject: problem scrolling trough data using raw.plot). I realised that this might have had something todo with the way I installed mne. To install mne I followed the instructions on the website. I installed anaconda and then tried to execute the following lines.
$ conda install scipy matplotlib scikit-learn mayavi jupyter spyder
$ pip install PySurfer mne
However, installing mayavi resulted in the following error:
UnsatisfiableError: The following specifications were found to be in conflict:
- mayavi
- navigator-updater
- pywavelets
To circumvent this error I installed mne without installing Pysurfer and mne. I was wondering whether this could explain the problem I encountered with raw.plot.
Looks like you?re installing those packages directly into the ?root? environment under Anaconda. In general, it?s highly recommended that you create environments for specific needs. In your case, you could try
conda create -n mne python=2 pip
for bare python 2. Then activate the environment (Win: activate mne; linux/osx: source activate mne), and re-run the conda install and pip lines you posted. The problem you are facing is related to mayavi and thereby PySurfer depending on an old version of Qt.
Alternatively, you could try your luck with the environment definition file shipped with mne-python:
An alternative to what Chris proposed that may be a bit simpler is if you
issue the following commands, from your home directory, in the specified
order (after having downloaded and installed conda):
conda install mayavi scipy matplotlib scikit-learn jupyter spyder (and any
other packages)
pip install PySurfer
git clone git://
cd mne-python
python develop
This prioritizes mayavi, and unfortunately means that you'll be stuck with
matplotlib version 1.5 (as opposed to version 2). I think the conflict may
be arising because the newest version of matplotlib (and maybe some other
stuff as well) uses qt5, whereas mayavi is still using qt4. The way I got
around this was to revert to matplotlib 1.5, thus avoiding the qt4/5