External Email - Use Caution
Hi Community,
I am interested in doing some of the continuous-time data (that is, before
epoching) pre-processing using the command line interface. I am hoping this
will be less time consuming as it will use the C libraries (?) compared to
using the python functions with the code.
Can you help me with the functions available? I see the link here
https://mne.tools/stable/generated/commands.html but got some doubts in the
underlying functionality when the options are used.
To start, I will like to do a bandpass filter of EEG data from 0.1 to 40
Hz. I see that there is the -filterorder option but does it use:
mne.filter.filter_data(data, Fs, l_freq, h_freq, picks=None,
h_trans_bandwidth='auto', n_jobs=1,
iir_params=None, copy=True, phase='zero',
fir_window='hamming', fir_design='firwin',
pad='reflect_limited', verbose=False)
If yes, then how can we specify the other arguments of the function,
especially, those related to phase delay.
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