Need Experts suggestions

Dear MNE experts,

My intention to use MNE python for eliminating temporal and spatial redundant EEG data and fuse them in different cluster based on data correlation for transmitting remote station. For that, I want to extract the attributes of an each sample like channel_names, sample_frequency and time_point for comparing a sample with immediate next sample or rest of the channels sample of the same time_point.

I kindly require your suggestion regarding whether MNE-python is enough to carry out the above mentioned work or do I need to use MNE-C MATLAB-Toolbox functions as well. If for the latter case, I require your assistance regarding the installation problem of MNE-C.

I have already install MATLAB and downloaded MNE-C software named: MNE-2.7.3-3268-Linux-x86 64. I have tried to install it but unable to install. Getting this error: bash:/bin/mne_setup_sh: No such file or directory. Actually, I couldn't understand how to create the environment variable MNE_ROOT in ubuntu system. It may be a problem to install it.

Thanks With Warm Regards,


Graduate Research Assistant (GRA)

Center of Intelligent Signal and Imaging Research (CISIR)
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS
Bandar Seri Iskandar
32610 Tronoh
Perak Darul Ridzuan

Mobile no: +60176459080
Email ID: khorshed.alam at<mailto:khorshed.alam at>
Alternative :shishir_lmu at<mailto:shishir_lmu at>, alam.0213 at<mailto:alam.0213 at>

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Hi Khorshed,

Not an MNE expert, but you seem to have fallen into the trouble with
environment variables in bash.

Here are the summary of steps that you'll need to follow:
1. Open a terminal
2. Download MNE into a path, say, */home/your_username/mne*.
3. Also, note the install path of MATLAB. Say, */usr/local/MATLAB/R2017a*.
4. Set the environment variables. On the termainal, type the following
commands (excluding the dollar sign)
    $ export MNE_ROOT="*/home/your_username/mne*"
    $ export MATLAB_ROOT="*/usr/local/MATLAB/R2017a*"
5. Finally execute the using the following command:
    $ . $MNE_ROOT/bin/mne_setup_sh

You can also find these instructions in this page
Be careful not to add any space character in the command above. Also,
replace all the values in *bold.*

Happy new year!

Hello Khorshed,

it seems to me that MNE-Python can provide everything you need. Most of the information you require is stored in the `.info` field of the main data structures. For example: `info[?ch_names?]` contains the channel names. See here for all the various things in there:

The raw data can be accessed through the `.get_data()` method of the `Raw` class.

Hope this helps.


Dear MNE experts,

My intention to use MNE python for eliminating temporal and spatial redundant EEG data and fuse them in different cluster based on data correlation for transmitting remote station. For that, I want to extract the attributes of an each sample like channel_names, sample_frequency and time_point for comparing a sample with immediate next sample or rest of the channels sample of the same time_point.

I kindly require your suggestion regarding whether MNE-python is enough to carry out the above mentioned work or do I need to use MNE-C MATLAB-Toolbox functions as well. If for the latter case, I require your assistance regarding the installation problem of MNE-C.

I have already install MATLAB and downloaded MNE-C software named: MNE-2.7.3-3268-Linux-x86 64. I have tried to install it but unable to install. Getting this error: bash:/bin/mne_setup_sh: No such file or directory. Actually, I couldn't understand how to create the environment variable MNE_ROOT in ubuntu system. It may be a problem to install it.

Thanks With Warm Regards,
Graduate Research Assistant (GRA)
Center of Intelligent Signal and Imaging Research (CISIR)
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS
Bandar Seri Iskandar
32610 Tronoh
Perak Darul Ridzuan
Mobile no: +60176459080
Email ID: khorshed.alam at
Alternative :shishir_lmu at, alam.0213 at

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