Dear all,
I am trying to source model MEG data using the MNE-dSPM method as implemented in MNE-Python. The task I am using does not have a good baseline period in which nothing is presented, so I want to use individual resting-state data collected right before the task to compute the noise covariance matrix.
I heard that one important factor to consider when source modelling is the rank of the data. To account for this, I pre-processed both the task and resting-state data using the exact same pipeline and rejected the same independent components in both datasets (extracted from the task data). However, the rank of the data after pre-processing are not the same. I believe this is due to the maxfiltering step. I am wondering how to ensure that my task and resting state data have the same rank when maxfiltering. Is there a way to use the SSS projections from one data set and apply it to the another data set?
In addition, is there any other thing that I need to ensure to use resting-state data to compute noise covariance?
I would be grateful for any help you can provide.