Unable to transform montage following iEEG electrode localization with GUI

  • MNE version: e.g. 1.0.3
  • operating system: e.g. macOS 10.15.7

I am following this tutorial for locating intracranial electrode contacts with MNE-python in Jupyter Notebook.

I am able to open the GUI using the following code and mark each of my electrode contacts:

mne.gui.locate_ieeg(raw.info, subj_trans, CT_aligned,

Upon closing the GUI, I receive the following output message: “Saving channel positions to info”. There are no error messages produced.

However, upon running the following code to generate the montage, I receive an error that the montage is ‘NoneType.’

montage= raw.get_montage 

Using the call (raw._get_channel_positions()) to I can bring the xyz coordinates of each of my electrodes. I am not sure why get_montage() results in an empty object as I am not receiving an error messages.

Any help is greatly appreciated!! Thank you :slight_smile:

Hello @CM2020 and welcome to the forum!

This line seems incorrect; you forgot the parentheses to actually invoke the method. It should be:

montage = raw.get_montage()

Best wishes,

Hello! @richard Thank you for your time and reply. Even after implementing that change, the montage remains empty unfortunately.

Bummer! I’m afraid I cannot help then, as I’ve never used the iEEG GUI. Maybe @adam2392 or @alexrockhill can help?

I’m assuming your info['dig'] is empty.


Thanks @Richard and @adam2392 for your replies. Greatly appreciate your time and support on this. Apologies for the delayed reply.

@adam2392 - yes, info['dig'] is empty as well. I found a work-around that allows me to proceed with the pipeline by manually creating the montage instead of using the montage = raw.get_montage() call. Here is the code I use:

names = raw.ch_names
locations = raw._get_channel_positions()

x = dict(zip(names, locations)) # creates a dictionary with channel names and locations - this gets passed to the make_dig_montage function later

fiducials = mne.coreg.get_mni_fiducials('subject','/Users/cm2020/Desktop/subject_recon')

LPA = fiducials[0]
LPA = (list(LPA.values()))[2]
Nasion = fiducials[1]
Nasion = (list(Nasion.values()))[2]
RPA = fiducials[2]
RPA = (list(RPA.values()))[2]

montage = mne.channels.make_dig_montage(ch_pos=x,nasion=Nasion, lpa=LPA, rpa=RPA, coord_frame='head')

# head --> mri transformation

# now let's load our Talairach transform and apply it (mri --> mni_tal transformation)
mri_mni_t = mne.read_talxfm('subject','/Users/cm2020/Desktop/subject_recon')
montage.apply_trans(mri_mni_t)  # mri to mni_tal (MNI Taliarach)

If possible, can you confirm if there are any potential issues with this method? Still unsure why the montage is empty. Thanks so much!

This tentatively looks okay to me…

@alexrockhill might know more about these details

I noticed this recently as well, something has broken/changed about the way get_montage works very recently. My workaround was

ch_pos = {ch['ch_name']: ch['loc'][:3] for ch in raw.info['chs']}
montage = mne.channels.make_dig_montage(ch_pos, coord_frame='head')

but looks like yours is equivalent.

It has to do with info['dig'] not being set. I can make a PR soon.

Cross referencing the PR to fix this [BUG, MRG] Fix how montage is set in ieeg locate gui by alexrockhill · Pull Request #11421 · mne-tools/mne-python · GitHub

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