I'm trying to visualize source estimates with PySurfers brain.add_data() (to not to have to visualize the anatomy all over again). I have a couple of questions of using this method:
1) The method needs array (data) and vertices parameters. I'm curious, how can you get these from the stc SourceEstimate object? I have used stc.data and stc.vertno. Are those good ones to use?
2) If I'm trying to use just stc.data and stc.vertno to those parameters when visualizing left hemisphere, it gets on index (X) out of range error. However: I have made it work with this code:
vertices = stc.vertno[0]
high_idx = stc.vertno[0].shape[0]
array = stc.data[:high_idx, :]
And for the right hemisphere:
vertices = stc.vertno[1]
low_idx = stc.vertno[1].shape[0]
array = stc.data[low_idx:][:]
But because the estimate look so scattered I'm left to wonder, if I'm using the methods correctly.
Does someone have any ideas to share with me?
Best regards
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