I hope that some of you have experience with PySurfer that you can help me with a couple of questions.
1) When I'm plotting estimates in the same window with brain.add_data(), how come the brain seems to shrink before it visualizes the next estimate?
2) Why the old source estimates exist a short period of time even though the new estimates have been put to the cortex, even when using remove_existing=True?
I guess that brain.add_data() just works this way. If so, can it be changed in some time?
This is due to how the PySurfer backend (Mayavi) handles data. It's
possible it could be improved -- might be worth opening an issue on the
PySurfer github page. PySurfer might move away from using Mayavi at all due
to some limitations, but it will be a number of months (at least) before it
happens, if it happens at all.
FYI I'd suggest posting questions like this over on the PySurfer listserv
or PySurfer site so as not to spam mne_analysis with too many
PySurfer-specific questions.
if you want to do really fast visualization of dynamic source
estimates you might have to hack your own mayavi code possibly using a
low resolution surface ie avoiding the upsamling to full resolution
freesurfer surface.
I also know that proof of concept code exists with vispy. If you want ask me.