Spectral Connectivity of Each Epoch

This is extension regarding my old post about Return Spectral Connectivity of Each Epoch. Since Im unable to add an answer on that post, I will create new one instead.

Spectral Connectivity of Each Epoch can be found under the function connectivity_per_epochs ().For comparison, the typical MNE python implementation over trials is included which can be accessed via connectivity_average_epochs ()

import mne
from mne.connectivity import spectral_connectivity
from mne.viz import circular_layout, plot_connectivity_circle
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.backends.backend_agg import FigureCanvasAgg as FigureCanvas

def data_setting ():
    # Formating setting
    label_names = ['FP1', 'FP2', 'F3', 'F4', 'F7', 'F8', 'C3', 'C4',
                   'T3', 'T4', 'O1', 'O2']

    Freq_Bands = {"delta": [1.25, 4.0],"theta": [4.0, 8.0],
                  "alpha": [8.0, 13.0],"beta": [13.0, 30.0],"gamma": [30.0, 49.0]}

    lh_labels = ['FP1', 'F7', 'F3', 'C3', 'T3', 'O1']
    rh_labels = ['FP2', 'F8', 'F4', 'C4', 'T4', 'O2']

    connectivity_methods = ["coh"]
    set_data = {'label_names': label_names, 'Freq_Bands': Freq_Bands, 'lh_labels': lh_labels,
                'rh_labels': rh_labels, 'connectivity_methods': connectivity_methods}

    return set_data

def create_epochs (set_data):
    # Generate data
    np.random.seed ( 42 )
    n_epochs = 5
    n_channels = len ( set_data ['label_names'] )
    n_times = 1000
    data = np.random.rand ( n_epochs, n_channels, n_times )
    # Set sampling freq
    sfreq = 256  # A reasonable random choice

    # 10Hz sinus waves with random phase differences in each channel and epoch
    # Generate 10Hz sinus waves to show difference between connectivity
    # over time and over trials. Here we expect con over time = 1
    for i in range ( n_epochs ):
        for c in range ( n_channels ):
            wave_freq = 10
            epoch_len = n_times / sfreq
            # Introduce random phase for each channel
            phase = np.random.rand ( 1 ) * 10
            # Generate sinus wave
            x = np.linspace ( -wave_freq * epoch_len * np.pi + phase,
                              wave_freq * epoch_len * np.pi + phase, n_times )
            data [i, c] = np.squeeze ( np.sin ( x ) )

    return mne.EpochsArray ( data, mne.create_info ( ch_names=set_data ['label_names'],
                                                     ch_types=['eeg'] * len ( set_data ['label_names'] ),
                                                     sfreq=sfreq ) )

def define_freq_bands (set_data):
    # Define freq bands
    return tuple (
        [list ( set_data ['Freq_Bands'].values () ) [f] [0] for f in
         range ( len ( set_data ['Freq_Bands'] ) )] ), tuple (
        [list ( set_data ['Freq_Bands'].values () ) [f] [1] for f in range ( len ( set_data ['Freq_Bands'] ) )] )

def _connectivity_average_epochs (epochs=None, set_data=None):
    # # Calculate PLV a - the MNE python implementation is over trials
    fmin, fmax = define_freq_bands ( set_data )

    con, freqs, times, n_epochs, n_tapers = spectral_connectivity (
        epochs, method=set_data ['connectivity_methods'],
        mode="multitaper", sfreq=epochs.info ['sfreq'], fmin=fmin, fmax=fmax,
        faverage=False, verbose=0 )

    return con, epochs.ch_names

def _connectivity_per_epochs (epochs, set_data):
    # # Calculate PLV for each trial
    fmin, fmax = define_freq_bands ( set_data )

    all_con = []
    for epoch in epochs:
        con_each, freqs, times, n_epochs, n_tapers = spectral_connectivity (
            [epoch], method=set_data ['connectivity_methods'],
            mode="multitaper", sfreq=epochs.info ['sfreq'], fmin=fmin, fmax=fmax,
            faverage=False, verbose=0 )
        all_con.append ( con_each )

    return all_con, epochs.ch_names

def plot_conn (conmat, all_ch, idx, bands, set_data):
    # Generate circular graph
    node_order = set_data ['lh_labels'] + set_data ['rh_labels']
    node_angles = circular_layout ( all_ch, node_order, start_pos=90,
                                    group_boundaries=[0, len ( all_ch ) // 2] )

    fig = plt.figure ( num=None, figsize=(8, 8), facecolor='black' )

    canvas = FigureCanvas ( fig )
    plot_connectivity_circle ( conmat, all_ch, n_lines=300,
                               title=f'All-to-All Connectivity_ band_{bands}', fig=fig )

    canvas.draw ()
    s, (width, height) = canvas.print_to_buffer ()
    im0 = np.frombuffer ( s, np.uint8 ).reshape ( (height, width, 4) )
    return im0

set_data = data_setting ()

def connectivity_average_epochs ():
    con, all_ch = _connectivity_average_epochs ( epochs=create_epochs ( set_data ), set_data=set_data )

    all_fig = [plot_conn ( con [:, :, idx], all_ch, idx, band, set_data ) for idx, band in
               enumerate ( ["delta", "theta", "alpha", "beta", "gamma"] )]

    plt.imsave ( 'connectivity_average_epochs.png', np.hstack ( all_fig ) )

def connectivity_per_epochs ():
    con_per_epochs, all_ch = _connectivity_per_epochs ( epochs=create_epochs ( set_data ), set_data=set_data )

    for idx_epoch, con in enumerate ( con_per_epochs ):
        all_fig = [plot_conn ( con [:, :, idx], all_ch, idx, band, set_data ) for idx, band in
                   enumerate ( ["delta", "theta", "alpha", "beta", "gamma"] )]

        plt.imsave ( f'epoch_{idx_epoch}_per_epoch_connectivity.png', np.hstack ( all_fig ) )

connectivity_average_epochs ()
connectivity_per_epochs ()

This will produced


The connectivity for epoch index 0,1,2,3,4 are as below

epoch 0

epoch 1

epoch 2

epoch 3

epoch 4

Should this step and output is correct, maybe either of the expert can confirm and close this thread.

Related discussion:

it’s not entirely clear what your question is here, but it looks like you’re posting more than 100 lines of code and asking “did I do this right?” It is unlikely that you will get a good answer when asking your question this way, because it simply takes too much time/effort for others to read through and understand what you did, with no guidance as to which parts you’re unsure of. Please consider revising your question to summarize what you’re trying to do (simulate data with an expected connectivity structure, and test that you can recover it?) and what you want help with (the simulation? interpreting the plots? something else?)

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Hi, I notice question about calculating Spectral Connectivity of Each Epoch have been pop up several time. The intention was to share possible way of addressing this issue. Kindly delete this OP if does not meet the mne Q&A requirement

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