External Email - Use Caution
Hello MNE-python team,
Thank you always for the great work and support.
I would like to ask if the method described in the paper below has already
been implemented in mne-python. I believe it was developed to distinguish
activities of subcortical regions from those of cortices.
Thank you so much in advance.
Krishnaswamy, P., Obregon-Henao, G., Ahveninen, J., Khan, S., Babadi, B.,
Iglesias, J. E., ? Purdon, P. L. (2017). Sparsity enables estimation of
both subcortical and cortical activity from MEG and EEG. *Proceedings of
the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America*, *114*(48),
E10465?E10474. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1705414114