Source localization - obj.orig.pnt missing

I am currently working on minimum norm estimation for MEG Neuromag data. I followed all the steps in Freesurfer (recon-all) and the subsequent MNI step ( mne_setup_source_space ? ico -6).

When I check the output file ?Subject01-oct6-src.fif?, I do not really get a mesh, but more of an all grey 3D brain, furthermore and more importantly for me ?obj.orig.pnt? is missing, my understanding is that MNE should produce such field in the data structure. ( however obj.orig. produces : pos, tri, inuse & nn).

For my further analysis steps I do need the field .pnt.

Can someone please advise?

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hi Evelyn,

the cortical src space is defined with respect to freesurfer meshes (eg
white, pial or inflated)
and precise what vertices are "inuse" in the source space. To get a
standard mesh
you need to combine the src space with the white surface.


let me know if you have more questions.

Hope this helps
