Source/accuracy of the CTF helmet displayed by plot_alignment

This is mostly a curiosity, but I’m wondering if anyone has any information on the CTF helmet that is displayed by plot_alignment.

Is it based on the actual ctf hardware or is it just a surface created at some point for display?

cc @larsoner

@agramfort got me a STL mesh (I don’t know the origin beyond this) via email and I came up with:

Based on the mesh I assume it’s based on hardware. Alex if you want to search your email to refresh your memory, it’s from back around August 28, 2018

Thats good to know.

Maybe I’ll test it (as you suggest in the PR) one of these days and see how it holds up.
At the moment I’m mostly interested in the distance of the flair at the bottom of the helmet up to that first row of sensors. Guess I could take some pictures to compare as well.