Sharing statistical maps from MEG experiments

Dear all,

I'm very happy to announce a preliminary support for uploading, visualizing
and sharing surface maps in fsaverage space in This is
especially exciting for the MEG community which is often using surface
reconstruction to do source localization. Thanks to the support for surface
data NeuroVault is not limited to MR and PET research outputs and can
accommodate (and integrate) MEG outputs.

The following features are currently supported:

1. Uploading .mgh, .curv, and .gii scalar maps:
2. Visualization of the surface map projected into the MNI volume (using
MNI template surface reconstruction instead of fsaverage)
3. Downloading of the maps in GIFTI format (with metadata correction making
viewing of the files in both Freeview and Connectome Workbench easy).

Example map:

Thanks to the projection to the MNI volume space all of the extra analysis
features of NeuroVault(cognitive decoding using neurosynth, gene expression
decoding using Allen Brain Atlas data, searching for maps with similar
activation patterns) will work seamlessly.

TODO (aka help needed):
1. Improve the surface reconstruction of the MNI atlas (the cortex is too
thin in some areas)
2. Provide 3D visualization using brainbrowser
3. Add Connectome workbench scene files and include fsaverage GIFTI
surfaces in download packages.
4. Make volume projection asynchronous to improve response time (it takes
several seconds to process one map right now leaving the user with no

Please let me know what do you think! Don't forget to share your maps!

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