Select trials to average (post-stimulus) by what answer was given

Hi all,

I am trying to average some meg data around the stimulus onset trigger, but
want to exclude trials in which the subject later timed out (did not answer
in allotted time). Correct, incorrect, and timeouts are all coded
differently as 2,3,4 respectively. Does anyone know how I can write
the averaging description file to do this, or know of another solution?
Thanks for the help!

-Joseph Frantz
University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center
Research Tech 2
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Hi Joe,
You can get the events list out by using the linux shell function
"mne_process raw --raw [inputfile] --eventsout [output filename for events
file]". Then, after you have corrected the events as needed (i.e. by
removing trials which are followed by event 4), you can read in the new
events file using "mne_process raw --raw [inputfile] --events [events file

Hope that helps.

Hi joseph,

in mne-python (0.6 development version) there is a new function that might do what you're looking for.
The following example demonstrates how to use it:

I hope this helps,
