Incomplete events list output from mne_process_raw?

Hello All,

    I am trying to process an events list output from mne_process_raw
(2.7.3) with the --eventsout option. I have three input --raw files and am
creating a grand average using --gave. The number of events I expect to be
present is correct in the grand average, as reflected by the terminal output
from mne_process_raw, but this does not match the number present in the
output events file. Nor is the number found in the events file simply the
number in any single one of my --raw inputs. Has anyone else experienced


Per Lysne
MIND Research Network/University of New Mexico
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Hello Per,

If there is only one --eventsout option, the file will contain the events from the first raw data file. You need three --eventsout options, corresponding to the three raw data files. Did you take into account that the all events will be output, not just the ones passing the artifact rejection?

- Matti

Sorry, my mistake. With multiple --eventsout options and including the
rejected files, the output is correct. Is there a way to avoid including the
rejected trials? Alternatively I would like to create an average EMF across
multiple events by specifying events 4,7, and 8 (but excluding 10) in the
average specification file.

Thanks again,
