I am trying to figure out the metric unit used in src[0]['rr'],
src[1]['rr'] and the actual brain size.
I thought the coordinate is in meter and trying to convert to cm with
the following code:
units should indeed be in meters. Note that the source space is usually defined on the white matter surface, which is inside the brain and thus smaller than for example the pial surface. Is this the fsaverage or mne sample brain?
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Dear MNE user,
I am trying to figure out the metric unit used in src[0]['rr'],
src[1]['rr'] and the actual brain size.
I thought the coordinate is in meter and trying to convert to cm with
the following code:
If the unit is in meter, I will get a very tiny brain.
Any suggestion on this question will be much appreciated. Thanks for your time.
Feng Liu
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Thanks a lot for your reply. I am using the sample brain automatically
downloaded from mne-python. When I checked the coordinates, I found
the range of x is about 4 cm, and the range of y is about 5 cm and the
range of z is about 3.5 cm, doesn't that look normal ?