Dear all,
I recently compared the spectrum (PSD) results of my SEEG data between EEGLAB and MNE. I noticed that there are minor differences between them.
- MNE version: 1.7.1
- OS: Windows 11
Relevant code
I use the default setup for PSD plots in both MNE and EEGLAB.
# python
import mne
raw =, preload=True)
raw.resample(500, n_jobs=32)
raw.compute_psd(fmax=200, n_jobs=32).plot()
% matlab
EEG = pop_biosig('D:\OneDrive\working_data\sEEG_data\seeg\xxx\seeg\xxx.edf');
EEG = pop_resample( EEG, 500);
figure; pop_spectopo(EEG, 1, [0 2252998], 'EEG' , 'freqrange',[0.1 200],'electrodes','off');'
The MNE PSD plot shows multiple spikes (highlighted within the orange rectangles), while the EEGLAB plot does not. I would like to know why they are different and what these spikes mean for my data.