problem fetching mne-python

Hi Everyone,

I am stuck fetching mne-python.

git clone
returns the following error:
fatal: download error - The requested URL returned error: 403

I've created a .git/config file which has close to the right syntax but don't know where to put it and whether it's correct.
The user name and email address match the account I created on
Here it is:
; user DonKrieger
  name = "Don Krieger"
  email = kriegerd at<mailto:kriegerd at>

Perhaps someone will be willing to spell it out for me:

(1) Where does the .git directory go?

(2) Corrections and/or a concrete example of the config file would be helpful.



Don Krieger, Ph.D.
Department of Neurological Surgery
University of Pittsburgh

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Hi Everyone,

I am stuck fetching mne-python.

git clone GitHub - mne-tools/mne-python: MNE: Magnetoencephalography (MEG) and Electroencephalography (EEG) in Python

Should be 'git clone GitHub - mne-tools/mne-python: MNE: Magnetoencephalography (MEG) and Electroencephalography (EEG) in Python


Hi Don,

What are you trying to do?
  Just download mne-python, or
  download it and get setup to add changes back to mne-python?

from your email it sounds like the latter (yeah!).

There are pretty good instructions here:

instead of directly editing your config file, I would recommend letting git do that and use the options described on that page:

git config --global "Your Name" <it doesn't matter what you put here>
git config --global <this needs to be the email address tied to your github account

Next follow the instructions for creating your own fork and cloning that


Thanks for responding.
I was able to fork the package to my git account per the instructions.
The instructions on the mne site list a sequence of instructions beginning with
  git clone git at
This appears to be trying to ssh to github and fails with:
  Permission denied (publickey)
  fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly

I've executed the git config --global commands but haven't found a way to check to see if they worked.
Surely there's a git command to kick out the what it thinks the email address is.

By the way, I am just trying to download the package.
I don't need to install it.
I will be chopping it down to a minimal version which I will deploy for grid computing .

Don Krieger, Ph.D.
Department of Neurological Surgery
University of Pittsburgh
(412)648-9654 Office
(412)521-4431 Cell/Text

Hi Don,

let me reply inline,

Thanks for responding.
I was able to fork the package to my git account per the instructions.
The instructions on the mne site list a sequence of instructions beginning with
  git clone git at
This appears to be trying to ssh to github and fails with:
  Permission denied (publickey)
  fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly

this might have various reasons, it might be your config but also your
network / ssh support. Have you tried the https variant?

Also take a look at setting up ssh with gtihub:

I've executed the git config --global commands but haven't found a way to check to see if they worked.
Surely there's a git command to kick out the what it thinks the email address is.

By the way, I am just trying to download the package.
I don't need to install it.
I will be chopping it down to a minimal version which I will deploy for grid computing .

If you (really) just want the source code without any git you can
download it from the Python Package Index (PyPi):

(green download button)

However, this points to the stable release. A few recent additions
will be missing.


Thanks very much, Denis and everyone.
I was able to fetch it from github from a Cygwin install on a windows box.

I suspect I clobbered something on the linux box when I was first thrashing around trying to get through or more likely raised an alarm at github which decided my linux box was trying to break in.

I'll likely be posting again for help.
I will be chopping it down to use read_forward_solution only.

Thanks again.