Post doc at Boston University
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An NIH-supported Postdoctoral Research Fellow position is available in the laboratory of Associate Professor Rob Reinhart, in the Department of Psychological & Brain Sciences, Boston University.
Candidates should have a PhD with expertise in one or more of the following areas: memory, attention, decision-making, reward, consciousness, EEG, MEG, fMRI, computational modeling, or brain stimulation. We seek individuals who enjoy wrestling with hard basic science problems, who are deeply theory-driven (especially theories in cognitive science), who are experimentally and technically savvy, and who wish to work with enthusiasm and creative rigor in a collaborative team-based environment. The postdoctoral fellow will have opportunities to pursue human cognitive and clinical neuroscience projects. Potential areas of interest include working memory, long-term memory, decision-making, and consciousness, in populations such as healthy younger and older adults, and people with OCD, schizophrenia, and Alzheimer’s disease. This position is open to both US citizens and foreign nationals. Start date is flexible.
Representative papers
Reinhart RMG and Nguyen JA (2019). Working memory revived in older adults by synchronizing rhythmic brain circuits. Nature Neuroscience 22(5):820-827.
Grover S, Wen W, Viswanathan V, Gill CT, Reinhart RMG (2022). Long-lasting, dissociable improvements in working memory and long-term memory in older adults with repetitive neuromodulation. Nature Neuroscience 25(9):1237-1246.
Cheng PX, Grover S, Wen W, Sankaranarayanan S, Davies S, Fragetta J, Soto D, Reinhart RMG (2022) Dissociable rhythmic mechanisms enhance memory for conscious and nonconscious perceptual contents. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA 119(44):e2211147119.
Grover S, Nguyen JA, Reinhart RMG (2021). Synchronizing brain rhythms to improve cognition. Annual Review of Medicine 72:29-43.
Grover S, Nguyen JA, Viswanathan V, Reinhart RMG (2021). High-frequency neuromodulation improves obsessive-compulsive behavior. Nature Medicine 27(2):232-238.
For more information about the lab, see:
Applicants should send a short cover letter, CV, and names of three references to rmgr at bu dot edu