Plotting PSD of Time Series Data Imported from Brainstorm into MNE as Misc Channels

I have time series data processed in Matlab/Brainstorm and source reconstructed and projected into ROIs. I would like to import this data into a simple structure in MNE v1.5 on MacOS.

I created a minimal code example to demonstrate the issue I’m running into:

import numpy as np 
import mne

sfreq = 1000 
times = np.arange(0, 10, 0.001)  

sin = np.sin(times * 10)  
cos = np.cos(times * 10)
sinX2 = sin * 2
cosX2 = cos * 2

data = np.array([sin, cos, sinX2, cosX2]) 

ch_types = ['misc', 'misc', 'misc', 'misc']
ch_names = ['ROI1', 'ROI2', 'ROI3', 'ROI4']

info = mne.create_info(ch_names=ch_names, sfreq=sfreq, ch_types=ch_types)

raw =, info)

spectrum = raw.compute_psd(picks="misc")

When I try to plot the spectrum, it does not seem to work. I try to explicitly specify the names picks=ch_names as well (it didn’t work).

How can I better specify the channel types in the info structure to represent reconstructed ROI time series data? Any suggestions on how to properly import and plot this type of data in MNE would be appreciated.

EDIT: The code is working now.

Hi @danieltomasz

Does this mean that you solved your issue? I ran your code inside an ipython interpreter, and it produces a figure for me. Just let us know if you are still having trouble.



yes, this issue is solved :slight_smile: Thank you!

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