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PhD Positions in Auditory Neuroscience, University of Miami
The newly formed Conscious Audition and Scene Analysis (or CASA) Lab at the University of Miami invites applications for at least two PhD positions starting in August of 2019. The CASA Lab uses multimodal neuroimaging to examine the neural basis of auditory perception and cognition. We focus particularly on how conscious auditory representations emerge from patterns of brain activity, how this affected by the presence of noise, and how such representations/patterns change across the lifespan. Our long-term goal is use the knowledge gleaned from such studies to inform the design of smarter hearing aids and diagnostic tools for patients with audiological and neurological disorders.
The lab is housed in the Department of Biomedical Engineering at the University of Miami and has access to multiple neuroimaging methods including high-density EEG, research-dedicated MRI, joint EEG-fMRI, and intracranial EEG. Collaborations that afford access to MEG as well as various clinical and aging populations are also in place.
Successful applicants will be admitted to the PhD Program in Biomedical Engineering at the University of Miami (https://bit.ly/2VggEN3<https://nam01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fbit.ly%2F2VggEN3&data=02|01|adykstra%40MIAMI.EDU|108f11e38a3e4b10d2a508d6a3d65115|2a144b72f23942d48c0e6f0f17c48e33|0|1|636876538217545032&sdata=xpkMJFgR8jb6SKODm%2BLs08BSg%2BmAcrpf7RUR83Ae%2BQ8%3D&reserved=0>) and join the budding cognitive neuroscience and neural engineering community in South Florida, which also includes Florida International and Florida Atlantic Universities. In their spare time, students can enjoy a tropical climate, diverse food and music scenes, and the distinct Latin American and Caribbean cultures that characterize Miami.
Applicants should (soon) have a Bachelor's degree in a relevant discipline as well as an interest in neuroscience and/or neural engineering. Quantitative skills including programming (e.g. Python, R), signal processing, electromagnetism, and linear algebra will be considered strong assets. However, students without such skills may be afforded the opportunity to acquire them via conditional admission to the PhD Program and completion of additional coursework (see here: https://bit.ly/2XgTQOJ<https://nam01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fbit.ly%2F2XgTQOJ&data=02|01|adykstra%40MIAMI.EDU|108f11e38a3e4b10d2a508d6a3d65115|2a144b72f23942d48c0e6f0f17c48e33|0|1|636876538217545032&sdata=znI6gDr%2FtiOi2UXyGBEUOKABBFK4OLdkbs5%2FLgdezsU%3D&reserved=0>).
Inquiries can be directed to adykstra at miami.edu<mailto:adykstra at miami.edu> and should include a CV, brief statement of interest, and unofficial transcripts.
The University of Miami is an equal opportunity employer and prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy), sexual orientation, gender identity, genetic information, national origin, age, disability, marital status, familial status or other protected classification. This and other student employment policies can be viewed here:
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