Mutual information between two EEG signals.

I have problem in finding the mutual information of EEG signals. I have considered the physionet CHB-MIT Scalp EEG Data. My coding is:

import os
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import mne
import spkit as sp

# physionet EEG data 
chb01_01_data ='CHB-MIT Scalp EEG Data\chb_01\chb01_01.edf', preload = True)

 # shape of data

num_channels, num_samples = chb01_01_data._data.shape

x = chb01_03_data[0]  # Assuming 'chb01_03_data' contains EEG data for 'x'
y = chb01_01_data[1]  # Assuming 'chb01_01_data' contains EEG data for 'y'

# Ensure both signals have the same length
assert len(x) == len(y), "Both signals must have the same length."

# Shannan entropy
H_x = sp.entropy(x, alpha=1)
H_y = sp.entropy(y, alpha=1)

# Rényi entropy
Hr_x = sp.entropy(x, alpha=2)
Hr_y = sp.entropy(y, alpha=2)

H_xy = sp.entropy_joint(x, y)

H_x1y = sp.entropy_cond(x, y)
H_y1x = sp.entropy_cond(y, x)

I_xy = sp.mutual_Info(x, y)

AssertionError: Both signals must have the same length.

Though length of both x and y are same, it is showing error.

the error message comes from spkit package not mne.

you should check that x and y are 1d numpy arrays.
