I would like to use MNE in order to extract some measures of synchrony,
such as PLV, from EEG
samples. I saw the related connectivity module in MNE but I am unsure about
the input format
of the data for the spectral_connectivity function.
What I would like to do is to calculate the synchrony between channels that
are formatted as
a simple 2d numpy array where each row corresponds to a channel and each
column is a sample
so the format is (channel x time).
However the spectral_connectivity function expects data in the form:
array, shape=(n_epochs, n_signals, n_times) or generator of array, shape
=(n_signals, n_times).
So my question is: Is there some way to use spectral_connectivity or some
other MNE module to
calculate the synchrony between EEG channels without epoch information? Can
I set epoch
to arbitrary segments?
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