mne_morph_labels error

Dear MNE users,

I have a custom set of labels that were shared with me by a collaborator.
The labels were originally mapped to the FSaverage brain. When I use
mne_morph_labels, I am receiving the following error: ?mne warning cannot
assign label file to a hemisphere?

As far as I can tell, this question has previously been asked but never
answered. Any advice?

Thanks all!

Hi Sam,
    Do all the label files in the source "labeldir" follow appropriate naming conventions, i.e., ending with -lh.label or -rh.label for example?

Hari Bharadwaj
Research Fellow,
Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging,
Massachusetts General Hospital
Charlestown, MA 02129

hari at
Ph: 734-883-5954

Worked like a charm. Thank you!