order of labels after morphing

Hi all,

I'm using mne_morph_labels to use labels from individual subjects in
fsaverage5 space, and then extract the time series per label using

mne_morph_labels --from fsaverage5c --to subject --labeldir

mne_compute_raw_inverse --picknormalcomp --inv inv.fif --in subj.fif
--labeldir /label/parc/subject/ --noextra --orignames --out output.fif
--labellist sum.txt

NB I use labels that were created by subdividing the FreeSurfer aparc.

When I now read in the resulting file with matlab (after mne_raw2mat) and
check MNE_raw_info.ch_names, the labels seem to be in a random order. For
instance, the lh and rh are not in the same order. How is this order

It does seem to be consistent across subjects. When extracting these
labels the same way, but in subjects' native space, the order of the
labels is identical across hemispheres and is equal to the FreeSurfer

Thanks for any suggestions!