MNE installation error

  • MNE version: e.g. 1.0.3
  • operating system: e.g. Windows 10

i followed the procedure on the MNE portal. i downloaded it through their installer as i am not super proficient with python. after installation i installed the nb_conda_kernels-2.3.1 packages in conda prompt. even their " test your installation" part seems fine no error .
so when i try to import mne in jupyter notebook it shows …no such package found

appreciate your help!

is it possible that you have installed python / jupyter in your system in 2 different ways
and that you have two parallel installs?


Hello @rogan, and welcome to the forum!

I don’t think we currently create a shortcut for Jupiter Notebook when running the installer. So what you should do is start the Prompt (MNE) shortcut and run jupyter notebook from the command line that opens.

Best wishes,