mne_browse_raw evoked layouts for EEG


Would it be possible to modify mne_browse_raw evoked response layouts to
allow viewing not only MEG but also EEG channels? Ideally, the users could
point to a folder containing their own custom evoked layouts, in a similar
fashion that is possible for raw data. If there is already a way to do
this, I would be happy to hear. Thanks!

Best regards,


Hi Tommi you can do this already. I am on my phone so I can't look up the manual section to tell you the exact section, but it is described in the make EEG layout section. The .lout files are simple text files that you can write your own custom ones of. They can be stored in each users .mne directory

Hi Dan,

Thanks, but apparently I was unclear - the question was not how to make
.lout files. The issue is, how can one apply the user-made .lout files in
mne_browse_raw. In the GUI Adjust/Full View Layout only lists the default
layouts that only have MEG channels, and the user-made layout files are
nowhere to be seen - neither is there an option to change the lout
directory via the GUI.

Does anyone know if there is an environmental variable that determines
where mne_browse_raw looks for the .lout files?



Sorry, I was trying to point you to the manual, where it describes
where to put them. I am at a computer now. So look here: (also in the same
chapter of the pdf version). Scroll down to Full view layout


Thanks Dan - found it! (For the record, mne_browse_raw looks for user-made
*.lout files inside the dir ~/.mne/lout/. While the ~/.mne dir is created
automatically, the lout dir inside it does not get created by default, so
the user has to make it and mv any .lout files into it.)
