mne_bids.read_raw_bids: KeyError: 'HeadCoilFrequency'

Hello to everyone,

first time poster so please let me know if I am making any mistake regarding your posting etiquette.

  • MNE-Python version: 0.23.0
  • MNE_bids version: 0.8
  • operating system: Windows 10 (working with JupyterNotebook)

I am working with the MEG dataset provided by Rathee et al. (2021).
Data: Link
Publication describing the data: Link

I am struggeling to read my data into a raw object using mne_bids.read_raw_bids.

dir_name = "MEG_BIDS"
bids_root = os.path.abspath(dir_name)
subject = "20" 
session = "1" 
bids_root = pathlib.Path(bids_root)
bids_path = mne_bids.BIDSPath(subject=subject,
raw = mne_bids.read_raw_bids(bids_path)

First, it seems to work. I am getting the following output: (Please note that I removed part of the path with “…” for privacy reasons)

Opening raw data file C:\Users\...s\MNE\00_DataExploration\MEG_BIDS\sub-20\ses-1\meg\sub-20_ses-1_task-bcimici_meg.fif...
    Read a total of 13 projection items:
        generated with autossp-1.0.1 (1 x 306)  idle
        generated with autossp-1.0.1 (1 x 306)  idle
        generated with autossp-1.0.1 (1 x 306)  idle
        generated with autossp-1.0.1 (1 x 306)  idle
        generated with autossp-1.0.1 (1 x 306)  idle
        generated with autossp-1.0.1 (1 x 306)  idle
        generated with autossp-1.0.1 (1 x 306)  idle
        generated with autossp-1.0.1 (1 x 306)  idle
        generated with autossp-1.0.1 (1 x 306)  idle
        generated with autossp-1.0.1 (1 x 306)  idle
        generated with autossp-1.0.1 (1 x 306)  idle
        generated with autossp-1.0.1 (1 x 306)  idle
        generated with autossp-1.0.1 (1 x 306)  idle
    Range : 8000 ... 2018999 =      8.000 ...  2018.999 secs
Reading events from C:\Users\...\MNE\00_DataExploration\MEG_BIDS\sub-20\ses-1\meg\sub-20_ses-1_task-bcimici_events.tsv.
Reading channel info from C:\Users\...\MNE\00_DataExploration\MEG_BIDS\sub-20\ses-1\meg\sub-20_ses-1_task-bcimici_channels.tsv.

After this, I get the following error:

KeyError                                  Traceback (most recent call last)
~\AppData\Local\Temp/ipykernel_14764/ in <module>
      6                               root=bids_root,
      7                               task="bcimici")
----> 8 raw = mne_bids.read_raw_bids(bids_path)
      9 # mne_bids.inspect_dataset(bids_path)

~\.conda\envs\mne\lib\site-packages\mne_bids\ in read_raw_bids(bids_path, extra_params, verbose)
    694                                            on_error='warn')
    695     if sidecar_fname is not None:
--> 696         raw = _handle_info_reading(sidecar_fname, raw, verbose=verbose)
    698     # read in associated scans filename

~\.conda\envs\mne\lib\site-packages\mne_bids\ in _handle_info_reading(sidecar_fname, raw, verbose)
    328                         'data for KIT files.')
    329         else:
--> 330             hpi_freqs_json = sidecar_json['HeadCoilFrequency']
    331             try:
    332                 hpi_freqs_raw, _, _ = mne.chpi.get_chpi_info(

KeyError: 'HeadCoilFrequency'

I looked into the source code. It seems like since my data was recorded on an Elekta system, it automatically expects the sub-20_ses-1_task-bcimici_meg.json file to contain the column “HeadCoilFrequency”, which it does not (I checked manually). Checking the BIDS documentation, it only lists “HeadCoilFrequency” as a recommended value to include, but not as mandatory. Therefore, I am confused why mne_bids seems to expect this value to be always included in the .json file.

How can I solve this problem / work around it? Thanks a lot in advance.

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Thanks for this nice report @tempMEG

I think the issue is that your JSON sidecar has a value ContinuousHeadLocalization set to True.

That makes MNE-BIDS think (understandably so?) that other fields are present like HeadCoilFrequency, which is there as a:

List of frequencies (in Hz) used by the head localisation coils

(otherwise ContinuousHeadLocalization would be False, right?)


You are right though that there is nothing in the BIDS spec that says if ContinuousHeadLocalization is True, the other fields MUST be present. So I think we have to relax MNE-BIDS here.

Would you be up to send a PR for that? Then after merging you could work with the main (unstable/dev) version of MNE-BIDS until the next release.

The only other alternative I see is to work on your BIDS data and include the information that MNE-BIDS wants.

I would like to chime in and support @sappelhoff‘s impression that this is something we should fix in MNE-BIDS, and potentoally push for an amendment of the BIDS specs in addition

Hi, thanks for your answers. I created a PR. However, it is my first PR ever so I hope everything went alright.