Mne-bids DigitizedLandmarks with Neuromag systems


When checking the BIDS-converted sidecars, I noticed that the fields DigitizedLandmarks and DigitizedHeadPoints in the *_meg.json sidecars were set to false. The data was recorded on a Neuromag system and when I check the info in the raw object, I see that the measured coordinates are included in the["dig"] field.
So, I would have thought that DigitizedLandmarks and DigitizedHeadPoints should be true then. Or am I misunderstanding which information those two fiels represent?


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Hi Eduard, it seems to me like mne-bids is currently setting these values to false no matter what happens:

I think this is worth an issue - perhaps we can improve the mne-bids code for this matter.

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I opened an issue for that here: Improve MEG sidecar writing: Dig Landmarks and Headpoints · Issue #705 · mne-tools/mne-bids · GitHub

Ah, I see. Sounds good!
