Thanks Stephen! Yes, I just want to get an average STC across different
subjects' stcs in the common brain space 'fsaverage'.
So I wander whether is it the same role as the MNE command
stc_avg = reduce(add, stcs)
Is 'add' a function like : stc1 + stc2+....?
Best wishes,
Qunxi Dong
2014-09-23 17:32 GMT+02:00 Stephen Politzer-Ahles <spa268 at>:
Hi Qunxi,
Are the following recent messages relevant for you?
In mne_python, is there any function to have the same role as the MNE
command 'mne_average_estimates'? Thanks
Best wishes,
Qunxi Dong
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Thanks Stephen! Yes, I just want to get an average STC across different
subjects' stcs in the common brain space 'fsaverage'.
So I wander whether is it the same role as the MNE command
stc_avg = reduce(add, stcs)
Is 'add' a function like : stc1 + stc2+....?
yes exactly. Divide by len(stcs) to have the average stc.