Mne_analysis Digest, Vol 117, Issue 3

Dear Alexandre,

I probably do something wrong but it does not seem to work. In the final step of preprocessing I interpolate channels like this

epochs.interpolate_bads(reset_bads=True, mode ='accurate?) and then save them as a -epo.fif file

When I try to combine multiple sessions, I read in the different files and store them in a list, which I try to concatenate with the following code:

mne.concatenate_epochs(all_epochs) #where all_epochs is a list of epoched data data. However, this does seem to work and gives me the following error:

/Users/dirk/mne-python/mne/ in concatenate_epochs(epochs_list)
   2737 .. versionadded:: 0.9.0
   2738 """
-> 2739 return _finish_concat(*_concatenate_epochs(epochs_list))

/Users/dirk/mne-python/mne/ in _finish_concat(info, data, events, event_id, tmin, tmax, baseline, selection, drop_log, verbose)
   2716 selection=selection, drop_log=drop_log, proj=False,
   2717 on_missing='ignore', verbose=verbose)
-> 2718 out.drop_bad()
   2719 return out

/Users/dirk/mne-python/mne/ in drop_bad(self, reject, flat, verbose)

/Users/dirk/mne-python/mne/ in verbose(function, *args, **kwargs)
    724 with use_log_level(verbose_level):
    725 return function(*args, **kwargs)
--> 726 return function(*args, **kwargs)

/Users/dirk/mne-python/mne/ in drop_bad(self, reject, flat, verbose)
    964 raise ValueError('reject and flat, if strings, must be "existing"')
    965 self._reject_setup(reject, flat)
--> 966 self._get_data(out=False)
    967 return self

/Users/dirk/mne-python/mne/ in _get_data(self, out, verbose)

/Users/dirk/mne-python/mne/ in verbose(function, *args, **kwargs)
    724 with use_log_level(verbose_level):
    725 return function(*args, **kwargs)
--> 726 return function(*args, **kwargs)

/Users/dirk/mne-python/mne/ in _get_data(self, out, verbose)
   1129 good_idx = []
   1130 n_out = 0
-> 1131 assert n_events == len(self.selection)
   1132 for idx, sel in enumerate(self.selection):
   1133 if self.preload: # from memory


I checked and in both epoch objects <>[?bads?] = [].

Hope that this is helpful,


Dear Dirk,

can you share privately the 2 -epo.fif files you're trying to concatenate?
