Concatenate epochs

Dear all,

I am currently analysing an experiment where I collected data in two separate sessions. After preprocessing I try to concatenate the epochs from separate sessions into a single epoch. However, this fails in some cases due to an assertion error. I have the feeling this is because some subjects did a different nr of blocks in session 2 than in session 1 (or vice versa). Is this a problem and if so is there another way to concatenate epochs?

Thanks again for your help,

Dirk van Moorselaar

Hi Dirk,

I think this can happen if you have different numbers of channels between the two datasets you are trying to concatenate. You need to make sure that any channel removed during preprocessing in dataset 1 is also removed from dataset 2.

Hope this helps,

Dirk van Moorselaar ? Fri., 14. July 2017 11:29

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