Make the required label

After source localization, I want to extract the time course of some brain regions used mne.extract_label_time_course, such as the local activation area of the primary somatosensory cortex and the secondary somatosensory cortex induced by finger stimulation. How can I make the labels I need?

  1. If you expect these labels to be defined by the anatomy:
#From terminal - full freesurfer recon (you probably have already done this part)
recon-all -all -s SUBJID  #Creates the parcels in SUBJECTS_DIR/SUBJID/label/
#In python/ipython
labels = mne.read_labels_from_annot(subject, parc='aparc', subjects_dir=subjects_dir)

Look through the label names that best define your regions and use those to extract the label (mne.extract_label_time_course).

  1. If you want functionally defined labels from the source localized activity: Generate a functional label from source estimates — MNE 1.2.2 documentation

Good luck


Hello Yuyu,

I also work in the field of somatosensory perception and I use those labels:

label_BA3a = 'C:\\Users\\Carina\\mne_data\\MNE-fsaverage-data' \

label_BA3b = 'C:\\Users\\Carina\\mne_data\\MNE-fsaverage-data' \

label_BA1 = 'C:\\Users\\Carina\\mne_data\\MNE-fsaverage-data' \

label_BA2 = 'C:\\Users\\Carina\\mne_data\\MNE-fsaverage-data' \

I run source localization on the contrast between signal and noise (somatosensory stimuli vs. catch trials) and then extract the timecourse in the forementioned labels.

Hope this helps.



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