Magnes 3600 mne_browse_raw scaling

Dear list,

I'm trying to find the right scaling factors when displaying all MEG
channels, the ECG the EOG and the trigger channels in mne_brows_raw.

For some reason the scaling does not change much on the ECG / EOG.
This is strange, as the channel types are correctly specified in the

I will have look at the unit muls and cals and see whether this makes
the difference..

My brute force pick however would be to just multiply the ECG / EOG
channel data by about 10000, which creates a nice view..

Does anything speak against this? Would that affect the SSP or other routines?


Ok, it was the calibration to presumably un-amplified values. (1e-07)
So the remaining question is, whether rescaling would affect any of
the MNE routines (I think it shouldn't, but I better ask you).

2012/9/10 Denis-Alexander Engemann <d.engemann at>:

hi Denis,

Ok, it was the calibration to presumably un-amplified values. (1e-07)
So the remaining question is, whether rescaling would affect any of
the MNE routines (I think it shouldn't, but I better ask you).

the computation should be independent of the units as soon as absolute
values in your analysis such as peak-to-peak rejection parameters are
accounted for.
