localization of agnostically assigned labels


we are trying to figure out where within the brain agnosticically
assigned labels (using mne_add_patch_info producing *-l/rh.label within
the MNE software) are located.
So far we used the vertex numbers (after converting the Desikan
parcellation to labels using mne_annot2labels, reading the label files
with mne_read_label_file, loading the Desikan parcellation files and
using the 'intersect' Matlab function) to determine which Desikan
parcellation label has the biggest number of vertices common to the
agnostic label of interest. This gives us the anatomical region/label
that contains the agnostically assigned label. Is there a way to
determine where within an anatomical label an agnostically assigned
label is located (if an agnostically assigned label falls fully within
an anatomical label)?

thanks, Sarah