[JOB] Post-doc position at Neurospin / Paris


Applications are invited for a full-time one-year post-doctoral
scientist. The position is funded by the Paris- Saclay IDEX project
NOTime - Neural Oscillations & Time - whose main objective is to
develop and apply cross-frequency-coupling analyses on
electrophysiological and M/EEG data. Applications are invited from
committed and enthusiastic researchers with significant experience
with M/EEG and substantial research record in cognitive neurosciences,
psychology and/or related field.

The selected postdoctoral fellow will work in full collaboration with
a master student dedicated to the project, and with the following
consortium of researchers:

- Val?rie Doy?re, NeuroPsi: http://neuro-psi.cnrs.fr/spip.php?article245&lang=en

- Alexandre Gramfort, Telecom ParisTech: http://alexandre.gramfort.net/

- Virginie van Wassenhove, Neurospin:

Full Job Description:


Application package:

- CV (incl. a list of publications)
- Two letters of recommendation (or contacts from which those could be obtained)
- A letter of intent with a statement of research interests

Please put IDEX POSTDOC in the email subject and send your application
package to Virginie.van.Wassenhove at gmail.com

Applications will be considered until the position is filled.
