External Email - Use Caution
Dear all,
I only recently began to work (or try to) with MNE python thanks to the
workshop Practical MEEG a week ago. During the workshop I tried replicating
what we learned on my own data but a problem rose with the reading of
events and it could not be solved in the context of the workshop.
To summarize, I work with EGI data (format .mff). The stimuli are 480 short
videos with characters saying sentences and trigger events are coded as
- a first trigger at the onset with a unique code corresponding to the ID
of the sentence (40 different stim)
- a second trigger during the stimulus coding for condition (2 different
- a third trigger at the end of the video coding for the ID of the
character (6 different stim)
- a fourth trigger after the video coding for the participant's answer on
the keyboard to a question (4 different stim)
When I import the data I use the following script:
I can't publicly share the data, but if someone is wiling to run some test
I can send a dataset in a private message.
The problem is when I print events, for instance 'D206' or 'D208' which
correspond to condition trigger I respectively have 200 and 203 events
found, while I should have 240 of each.
I know for certain that the data is ok because I work with it in matlab
(fieldtrip) and the number of events is as expected. The only option I see
is the that the mne function does not read properly the .mff data but
before opening an issue I prefer to ask for advice.
In advance, thank you for your help
Rapha?l Th?z?
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