Hello @ometett, are you still seeing this issue?
Hi @richard , yes I am having the same issue. The issue only occurs on my M1 macbook though. I ran the same script on windows 10 and pyvista and everything works properly.(I am able to display EEG electrodes.)
Sorry to hear you’re still having problems!
@larsoner So I suppose this is a VTK or PyVista issue?
Yes it’s almost certainly a VTK problem. @ometett you could try VTK 9.0.3 that is now on PyPi (and also conda) but so far I’ve seen bugs introduced by it on both Windows and Linux, so I’m not too optimistic about macOS!
Dear @ometett, I need to do the same but I don’t manage to combine MEG and EEG. My EEG has twice the sample rate of the MEG and when I upsample the MEG data I never end up with the exact same number of samples, even when calculating and considering small time shifts. How did you manage to combine them in one file? Did you possibly have the exact same sample rate? Any comments or code snippets would be a tremendous help!