-MNE version: 1.3.0
-Operating system: macOS-12.2.1
I am trying use the MNE BIDS pipeline to preprocess my data and am concerned something is off about the ICA part. When I look at the ICA report files for any of my subjects, it is often clear that several of the identified components are eye-related artifacts; however, they are not being properly identified for rejection. For a few subjects, I only ever get rejection of the very first component (ICA000, which is indeed eye-related) and never any others, but then for most subjects it indicates that not a single component has been marked for exclusion. So basically, in every case there are at least 2-3 components that should be getting removed, but only one at maximum is ever actually selected, and most of the time none are at all.
Does anyone have any suggestions about how to fix this issue? I have already tried using various different values in the line βica_eog_threshold: float = 1.0β, but still nothing changes. Is there a way to alter which components are being identified as bad and to ensure that they are actually removed?
Thank you kindly!!