how to use the hcp.make_mne_anatomy of mne-hcp ?

  • MNE version: e.g. 1.16
  • operating system: Windows 10
    I have download the data and the folders are :unprocessed、unprocessed、104012_3T_Structural_preproc_extended,and how to use the hcp.make_mne_anatomy of mne-hcp to mapping to the folders:
    ############################################################################## # we assume our data is inside a designated folder under $HOME
    storage_dir = op.expanduser(‘~/mne-hcp-data’) hcp_path = op.join(storage_dir, ‘HCP’) recordings_path = op.join(storage_dir, ‘hcp-meg’) subjects_dir = op.join(storage_dir, ‘hcp-subjects’) #subject = ‘105923’ # our test subject subject=‘104012’