I just ran ICA on my EEG data acquired through BioSemi. I’ve preprocessed it with a (separate ICA preprocessing pipeline) 1-30 Hz filter, epoched -0.2 to 0.4 and referenced to mastoids (EXG1 and EXG2). These are the components I get after running ICA:
During the experiment, the participant wore two external electrodes at the left/right mastoids (EXG1/EXG2 respectively). They also wore headphones over the cap, if that is relevant (although if that was the case, I guess I would expect to see the same ICA component in other eeg sessions as well, and I don’t).
The topomap alone does not contain enough information to interpret its origin. Can you also show the time course as well as an epochs image and the PSD via ica.plot_properties(raw)? It could be ECG, but it’s unusual that it is the first component. It could also be related to your reference, I’d be curious to see if anything changes for average referenced data.