Dear MNE experts,
I am running MNE-2.7.0-3106-MaCOSX-i386 with MacBook OSX 10.5.8, everything
is ok until I ran the
mne_setup_forward_model command with the error saying "Cannot
continue, please consider moving toa 64-bit platform"
I am wondering is there a solution for running mne in my 32-bit OSX 10.5.8,
other than buy a newer MacBook (I need to reinstall all other software
packages then)? I downloaded another i386 mne version but none worked.
The error message is inaccurate. There is no need to upgrade the MacBook. Rather, this is a memory allocation error, meaning that mne_setup_forward_model tries to allocate more 2 GB of dynamic memory. This should not happen. Can you please send the exact command you are giving with options and the output leading to this error.