- MNE-Python version: 0.23.4
- operating system: MAC OSX
For a project using fNIRS, I have a lot of .snirf data files that I’d like to load in using MNE. Files pertaining to a data collection a year ago load in jut fine, and I can - following the MNE tutorial - even plot and access the data. However, we are conducting a new round of data collection this fall and I get the following error, when loading in a .snirf file, which renders me unable to access the data as of now using MNE: (see picture)
The code I’ve used so far is e.g. this line:
# Importing a package
import mne
import mne_nirs
# get path for just the first participant
fname = "/Users/pernillebrams/Desktop/MNE_30sep/026/2020-12-07/2020-12-07_001/2020-12-07_001.snirf"
raw_intensity = mne.io.read_raw_snirf(fname, verbose = True, preload = True) # Works with file from last year, not with this file from this year
# View data
raw_intensity # here is the data put into, a variable
To try and isolate where the problem lies:
- The same montage file from NIRSite is being used as last year
- The same software, Aurora, is being used as last year. However it was updated to version 2021 in the process.
- The device setup is the same with 4x8 channels, 4 x 8 detectors, distributed over 16x16 devices.
Have any of you seen this error before and do you have any advice in regards to how I can fix this or locate the issue?
Have so far used jupyter notebook. Not sure if relevant.