fNIRS: partial path-length factor

In FNIRS Tutorial does not display visualization - #2 by drammock @rob-luke added links to some tutorials:

" Until the tutorial fix is released, you can view the same tutorial on the MNE-nirs website [Waveform Averaging Analysis — MNE-NIRS 0.1.3 dev documentation ]"

And you can find a variety of other fNIRS examples at [Examples — MNE-NIRS 0.1.3 dev documentation ]"

However, those links are not working, so where I can find them? The problem is that if I follow
fNIRS Preprocessing Tutorial (Preprocessing functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) data — MNE 1.0.2 documentation) with ppf=6.0, I am not able to visualize my data.

waveform averaging analysis is here: Waveform Averaging Analysis — MNE-NIRS 0.2.1 documentation

all the examples: Examples — MNE-NIRS 0.2.1 documentation

Hi All,

Can someone suggest on what basis a scaling factor of 1e-3 is applied to Beer Lambert Law calculations in MNE and how would it differ for infants ?
